At DSP Rail & Civils, we offer a comprehensive range of railway maintenance services tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Our expert team is equipped with the skills and experience necessary to ensure the reliability and safety of your railway infrastructure.

Our services include:
Sleeper Changing
: Ensuring the stability and longevity of track by replacing worn-out or damaged sleepers.
Crossing Timber Changing
: Expertly replacing timber components in railway crossings to maintain safety and structural integrity.
: Swiftly and safely reinstating worn tracks to minimize disruption and restore operational efficiency.
Stressing Works
: Utilising advanced techniques to apply stress to CWR ensuring optimal performance and longevity of operational railway.
Wet Bed Remediations
: Addressing moisture-related issues within track ballasts to prevent track deterioration and maintain stability.
Level Crossing Maintenance
: Ensuring the safety and functionality of level crossings through regular inspections and necessary repairs.
UTX Works
: Specialised services for UTX (Under Track Xing) installations, prioritising safety, and reliability.
ETE (Electrification, Track, Engineering)
: Providing comprehensive solutions for electrification systems, tracks, and associated infrastructure.
ETM (Electrical Track Maintenance)
: Expert maintenance services for electrical components of railway tracks, ensuring reliable operation and safety.
Switches & Crossings Maintenance: Ensuring the smooth operation and safety of switches and crossings through regular inspections and maintenance.
Track Monitoring
: Utilising advanced monitoring technology to assess the condition of railway track and embankments and identify potential issues proactively.
Track Realignment
: Adjusting railway tracks as necessary to maintain proper alignment and ensure safe, smooth and efficient train operation.
Plane Line Maintenance
: Maintaining the correct alignment and profile of railway tracks to prevent issues such as voiding etc…

With our comprehensive suite of maintenance services, DSP Rail & Civils is your trusted partner in ensuring the reliability, safety, and efficiency of your railway infrastructure.

For more information contact us today.

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Services & More Info

Reactive Maintenance
Civil Engineering

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